As stewards of the land, we consciously design our vineyards to have minimal impact of the surrounding environment. The majority of acreage on our Knights Valley estate are left unplanted, which encourages biodiversity and sustained ecosystems. Our farming practices encourage soil enhancement, such as planting native cover crops like clover, peas, and grasses which help to enrich the soil quality while also providing a habitat for predatory insects. In return, the message of the soil is preserved and vines are nourished with true authenticity of the land.
Stream Restoration
We are also actively engaged in stream restoration and protecting endangered species to keep the land healthy and vibrant. To improve water flow in the creek that runs through the estate, we have removed a 100-year old barrier that was erected years ago to divert water into canals for residential and agricultural use. We have also constructed a series of boulder dams, allowing spawning salmon to easily access the cool, clean water that flows through our property. Once the stream has been fully restored, we will participate in a stocking program for endangered salmon.
Due to our farming practices and wildlife protection efforts, our estate vineyards are recognized by third-party programs through the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CCSW) Sustainability in Practice (SIP) and Salmon Safe.